Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Good riddance to 2007.

It wasn't such a bad year, but for us, it was a year of transformation. Our home, jobs, kids, etc etc changed. I like new stuff, but I'm ready for a little stability this year. I wont go into the highs and the lows, but let's just say that I'm ready for a happier year.

Last night was tons of fun and we thought it would be over by 8pm and ended up pulling in the driveway at close to 11PM last night. :) We took our friends to a local Hibachi grill. Connor and Ryan loved it and our friends kids LOVED it. (except the little one, who was afraid of the fire from the volcano) Like every place we go... the boys were dressed like batman, of course. Ryan especially liked it when the cook took out a little squeeze toy filled with water that had "peed" on everyone. I thought he might pee in his pants too. Connor kept clapping every time the cook did anything. Lise and I both had a few drinks and enjoyed the show too. I was the only one to catch a piece of zucchini that he was flipping to each of us ... Ryan came close too. :)

Afterwards, we stopped by a neighbor's house for "just a minute to say Happy New Years". We had too much to drink, met neighbors, and Connor charmed the adults, while Ryan hung out and played "guitar hero" on wii with the teenagers. I think they adopted him quickly... being batman and all. He eventually ditched the outfit, when one of the girls told him he was "cute". He then carried a torch around for her the rest of the night. He is VERY heterosexual. Anyway it was lots of fun and was really needed. We keep meeting cool neighbors and this place is starting to shape up.

As for 2007 projects, Ryan's room is WAY DONE. (Thank the saints!) Now I only have two small rooms to go, and after that I have three bathrooms to rehab. The closet in Ryan's room was a bear. I got out of square as I entered the closet. I am pretty sure it wasn't me, but it was the closet ... that's my story and I'm sticking to it. What a pain... in the end, I had to dry fit the ENTIRE thing and then use the wonder-bar to tighten things up. What a pain in the butt... I would have had the whole closet done in 30 minutes, and it took me almost 2 hours, with the cutting and re-cutting. In the end, it looks OK, but I'm not happy with it. It's not as tight as the other parts of the room, and I notice it. Lise was very happy, and didn't notice it, so I guess that's a plus. :)

Anyway, it's 9am and we're going to go out to the Coffee Break (aka: "the Flamingo Place") and get some breakfast.


Em & Tim said...

May you get some rest and peace and quiet in 2008!! Or maybe just for today! hahaha When we get our house can we hire you out for your mr fix-it talents??? :)

Anthony and Karen said...

I am so glad that you actually took some time off to go out and have some fun instead of working all the time.

The room looks great and no one will be likely to be in the closet, except me:) to check it out. (only kidding!)

Love, Mom