Last night was a just a ripper. First my parents arrived around 9pm, and Ryan popped down from his bed to say "Hi". (I swear, I'm never telling him again about anyone coming after he's asleep.) Then, we stayed up late to watch the fiesta bowl and decided at 11:00, that we really weren't all night
partiers anymore. So after stoking the fire a bit, we went to bed. (this is where the interesting part happens) At 4:30am, the smoke detectors go off. BEEP BEEP BEEP... Adults run
amuck to find the source of the fire, and the children actually stay asleep.

NOTE: If I opened a frozen yogurt at 4:30am , in a soundproof room, in the basement, Connor would at least stir and mumble "
yo-get", but a blaring fire alarm... nothing but snores.) I look... No smoke, no fire... no sign of fire or smoke anywhere(no hot walls, basement, attic, garage are all cold but smoke free), outside of the house looks nice... no real appreciable smoke from the chimney! I'm relieved but frustrated, and go back to bed..... until.... yes... at 5:30am BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. *sigh
So we decide to call the local authorities to check on my home in the morning. They arrive at 9 -- Nothing. Checked the house with heat detectors, smoke detectors, CO detectors, and thermal imaging. Nada.
Conclusion: "replace your batteries and blow out the smoke detectors, if that doesn't work... replace them all."
Anyone know where I can get good fire insurance?
1 comment:
For all reading this - You had to be there to fully appreciate the excitement! Mike, what impressed me was how calm you & Lise remained under the circumstances!
Uncle Wiggley was movin quickly...
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