It's like spring this week at my house. (even though we're supposed to get 8" of snow tomorrow) We were given some paper whites from Nancy and Lise has been starting them in the kitchen and they are growing like weeds. I spent a good portion of the day working on cleaning the garage. It has been my work area while I've been putting in floors in the Master and Ryan's bedrooms, and it was a mess! Lise has been reading a book called "Clear your Life of Clutter using Feng Shui". Ever since then, we've been purging and it's starting to pick up momentum. A friend of mine even took the extra dryer I had!! We got rid of a few pieces of furniture that don't fit us anymore and also have been looking at ways to organize our lives better.
As for the rest of the house... I have two rooms to go to get the hardwoods in... and my office is last. Next stop Connor's room. My only hope is that the smoke detectors don't get all crabby when I finish his room. I don't need another all nighter.

Lise..can I get that book at Borders? There is no question that I need it!
You and Mike are an inspiration for getting me going and if I could just clean my office, my mind might actually feel less cluttered!! It was great getting rid of the old dish washer!
Love, Mom
We should be buying our house right about the time that you finish the office and perfect your skills... It'll be perfect timing for you to impart some of your knowledge on us! :)
PS What is that picture?? Caviar? :)
The Book is "Clear your Clutter with Feng Shui", by Karen Kingston which IS available at Borders (and Amazon) here
The picture is of the roots of the paper whites that Nancy gave Lise. Since they haven't bloomed yet, I didnt have a petal picture to take. :) I thought I'd like to link the spring theme and the macro photography. I've always liked that things look very diffrent when looked at closely.
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