What diet have you been on? I know that I have been on the south beach diet and the don't eat like a pig every waking moment diet. My kids are on the don't eat what anyone gives you diet. This one sucks and seems to the diet of 3 year-olds everywhere. This combined with the I hate sleep diet and the I want to eat garbage at snack time diet is enough to drive a parent to a liquid diet. True, we can get in nuggets and fries and the occasional meat pie (when Connor sees anyone else eating it) but it's amazing that they grow at all with what they put in there. I guess the hard part is, they get to eat anything in the whole world and they only like deep fried, ketchup covered or sweet foods. This is fine calorically, but they can pretty much have anything they want, and to choose chicken nuggets over a steak seems somehow inhuman.
I once read an article about a little girl who got stuck in her house when her father died and was left to her own devices for 2 weeks.

She very quickly figured out how to get water, and ate all the cookies and crackers. She left alone pecan sandies, the bread (because no one would cut off the crusts) and a bowl of bananas (because she didn't like them when they weren't cut up) and instead dined for the last 3 days in "captivity" on a diet of Play-Doh and potato chips. A diet that, Connor, I'm sure, would approve.
Try adding "vegetarian" to the diet and you'll be eating at my house! Thankfully, I do the grocery shopping (skip the chippy aisle) and the cooking and I cannot afford to eat out.
I have found opposites to be helpful (the ol' "don't you eat that" routine). It's amazing how well "don't eat that", "don't go potty" and "don't brush your teeth" have gotten the job done. Other than that, a simple "no dessert until you finish your yogurt" will bring about a huge battle, but hold your ground - they'll cave, sooner or later.
I thought ketchup was a vegetable?? The way the food companies are going I'm sure that Play-dough has been fortified so it now qualifies as a food of minimal nutritional value...
At work the other day I was reading that it takes, on average, over 7 times for kids to be introduced to something new before they will commit to trying it.. And you think about all the nuggets and advertised food that kids are exposed to constantly in the media so their "introductions" are already way up compared to something like brussel sprouts!
I do agree how bizarre it is that they can eat anything and they eat the crap, but then again, some crap tastes really good and some fancy food tastes really crappy... Keep up the good fight - you guys are doing a pretty good job with those boys and it's likely they won't starve...
You know, I've never tasted play dough..I always prefered the home made clay which is just flour and water with a little food color, but I confess it does look appealing (especially when it's cookie shaped)and it is colorful and has an interesting texture...
Mike, I'm having a hard time not going into how much you loved pea soup when you were 2, but wouldn't touch the stuff after 2 1/2...I still can't figure out what happened? For my part I suspect it was the color and maybe the texture...even I admit, it is pretty gross looking.
So how many times did I try to get you to eat pea soup? About 100 but it never worked!! Maybe I'll make some for the boys and see what happens....(fortunately, Dad loves it so there's no problem with left-overs.
By the way, when Dad saw your blog, he claimed that leading proponents of childhood training feel that electric shock theraphy can be effective...however, you need to pay 100's of dollars to get the right voltage and amperage. (That's one of those areas we disagree on.)
Love, Mom
First of all.. no relationship with food prior to the age of 3 is mentioned in my posting. :) Specifically because my Dr once told me that childern under the age of 1 have no real appreciation of taste. I believe that covers me for the pea soup.
I still hate pea soup, but I am now 100% sure it has alot to do with being forced to eat it 100 times.
as for the voltage / amperage issues... I'll be glad to hook them up and give it a whirl.
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