Hi. My Name is Mike and I am a Coffee-aholic. I started with the usual street carts and church receptions but soon I was importing my own high end Colombian blend at the young age of 18. Now I get it roasted and delivered in little white baggies that I hide in the freezer. I've tried a few times to quit, but never for more than a few months. I've stooped as low as having 5 cups of decaf to maintain my caffeine high. Tonight I have too much to do ... I have to get some work done for 8am, with some more due at noon. Time to buckle in and get to business. Coffee-driven cut and paste and graphical representations of project metrics.
Just a note about my impending weekend before I fade off. Lise noticed tonight that I will be off on Monday for MLK. SOOO she wants me to help her organize the office... and put hardwood floors in Connor's room. Work calling me.... See you in the AM.
Get back to work!
Hi Mike,
my name is Anthony, and I'm a coffee-aholic (I think there may be a family component to this:). I now drink between 6 - 10 cups of coffee a day, at work, in a mad chase after the focussed high I get when the caffeine mother-load hits. I've moved up to espresso to feed my habit.
Does it count if what I like most is decaf espresso??? Love the flavor of espresso more then regular coffee, but not the caffeine. I'm told that will change once I have kids!
How's the palate of late night tasting look differently then it did 10 years ago?! Something tells me tangerines weren't on the menu...
Hello Anthony and Mike,
My name is Becky and I too am a coffee-aholic. I need a pot of coffee a day to function. I never thought of it as a problem until...well today. I can't wake up without it, think without it, or basically function without it. Is it the cause of my heartburn...hmmm I imagine so.
Addicted to Coffee in Mass
Yes Lise.
Anthony and Becky... I have read that you can now get a mix of oxygen and Caffeine at a bar in NYC. If I figure how to just get it in your veins, that would be best.
Emily, The first step on the road to recovery is to admit you really have a probelm... Hiding behind a veil of so called "decaffeinated beverages" can only make things worse for you. Step up and admit your inability to control yourself around this drug. :)
Hello, my name is Karen and if you think you have a problem with caffeine, you should hear my story!It started a LONG TIME AGO when my mother introduced me to Coffee ice cream at the age of three and it has steadily gone down hill since! I am hesitant to admit that I have actually been known to teach my two grandchildren - Ryan and Kayla - how to make coffee and now they are conditioned to making coffee for grandpa even before they have breakfast!! I had no idea just how serious this situation was until I started writing..and I think I need to get involved in a group of coffee- aholics! Anthony, can give me some help! Mom
By the way, Mike, my Willowby's stash has disappeared...any ideas?
well shoot I can get oxygen at work any time I want. That has given me the terrible idea to hook myself up to the oxygen while I suck down my CAFFINATED coffee...
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