OK... I've been bad about posting daily... real bad. This post is being re-written because it was started last week and only half finished. This is partly because I haven't been sleeping through the night. When you wake up at 3am, you can't imagine staying up till 10pm to type something meaningful, let alone sensible. I think the mountains of work along with the evening running around, etc have just peaked and I hit a blogging wall. I took the pictures, so I'll share those, but I'm back in the saddle today

The kids are finally done with being

sick and life is much better. On Wednesday we brought the kids to see the doctor who gave them a clean bill of health and the realization that the yuck was gone sent us running to our favorite place in town ... Paul's Pasta. Kid friendly, home made pastas and sauces. The kids filled up on carbs while Lise and I discussed the coming plans for the weekend as Lise suffered through a few fleeting waves of nausea (I did say the kids felt better) :)

On Thursday, we went to Connor's preschool for "back to school night" and got our first feedback on Connor. It was only 15 minutes, but it was good to hear that Connor was enjoying school as much as we thought he was. We have been seeing a great deal of progress with him in this special school, and asked if he'd be in regular preschool next year.

They then informed us that he'll go back next year, but most likely as a "typical peer" which means they have high hopes for him to matriculate back in to the main stream shortly, but will still benefit from some additional oversight, which I like, but it makes me fearful of having him labeled.
(over protective parent alert) If this label sticks I'll be Pissed at myself for allowing the school system to do it to him... and I'll be a problem for them... in the most parental way of course
(/end over protective parent alert) On our way home from the consult, we saw a beautiful Hawk in a tree by our neighbor's house. He's been hanging out over there and I take it as a good sign.

Friday was a work day, like most others and I wont get into the details there, except to say, things remain consistently changing. This is not a bad or good thing, it's a constant... like Pi. At home Lise flew around getting things done while I worked at home, and the boys played well. It's a pleasure to work from home...
Saturday I installed the toilet in the bath and the faucet in the vanity. OK... for the record

taking the back off the vanity and installing the fixtures before you have to hook it up was totally cool, and my back wants to throw me a party...

I'll post more about that tonight. Sunday afternoon I hooked everything up... one leak.. and one turn of a wrench later... it was done. Sunday Morning we went to see Marie and Denise to celebrate Denise's birthday. For her birthday, she brought my kids presents?? yeah.. spoiled... I know. Anyway, we had a nice lunch at a little pizza place and brought Marie home, and sent Denise on her way. We had a great time and when I got home, I expected all to nap, but then I'm an optimist. I guess.
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