This is my 100th post. I wish I had some great reflection on the post since Christmas when I started this thing. I guess when I do my 100th post for the year I should mark the occasion with a link to my favorite photos for 2008. It would pretty much meet what I was thinking I'd do... making my photos better. In the interim... I'll give you an update on my bathroom.
When I got home from work my green powder room was blue. Lise is fantastic... two boys with no naps, and Ryan puking, and Lise was able to paint the bathroom walls AND ceiling. Oh, Did I mention that Ryan is STILL sick. The
Yuck persists. After a long day at work that included HR issues, and an epic struggle to start the day, it was just the kind of news that made me smile and relax. After getting the boys to bed, I sealed the grout in the bathroom, and contemplated working on the toilet... I got over it as I cleaned up with Lise and wished my parents well on their trip to Hawaii. Have a great trip, Mom and Dad... hopefully you'll actually blog and let us know what you're up to?

The crazy blogger is back:) You can bet that Hawaii will be inspirational and I won't have any excuses for not taking pictures!!
I love the bathroom, very pretty color, Lise!
You are a lucky man, Michael to have such a wonderful wife working alongside you. Love you both, Mom
Did you get locked in that bathroom? Or just decided to stop posting at 100 posts? :)
...or did the Yuck get you too???
I'll have a post today... I've been getting too many things done and have been beat at night. I'll be back on the blogroll tonight :)
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