I got home and apparently, I had started another project. :) Lise is getting full swing into spring fever, and has begun a few projects at once. Today, she killed trees until Connor begged her to go back inside, (he so hates being colder than 55 degrees) and when they came in, they started prying up tile off the bathroom floor. Now I do plan to rehab the bathroom this weekend, so it's not a crazy dismantling of the bathroom in any sense of the word, however; the enormity of the project kinda hit when I got home and saw the first three tiles pulled out and Lise asked me to show her how to use my pneumatic chisel. The last time I came home to a question like that, I installed a new kitchen the next weekend. :)
Work is a nuthouse, but that isn't new. I read my friend
Carla's blog and it simply assures me that I'm not going crazy on my own, I'm taking a bunch of nice people with me. I wonder when this express train to the sanitarium stops and sometimes I ponder if I'm driving it when asked what an "IPT lead" is, and I know the answer, and what it stands for. Either way I'm on for the duration, until someone asks me to get off the train, or run it into a wall. At least I have a scary project at home looming in the distance to distract me from work on nights and weekend.
Toot toot.. next stop "Bedlam"!!!
Oh I am going Coo Coo too! Work is nuts! But I do not have a blog to express my frustrations.... Maybe I should start one and then I can share all the crazy things in my life, becasue work is not the only thing that is crazy.... 1.5 yr olds.....
"Lise asked me to show her how to use my pneumatic chisel "
I find that totally romantic. I wish I were kidding.
And yes, the train ride is going to be crazy but I've brought a picnic. I think chocolate covered espresso beans are appropriate.
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