Every morning at 6:30 or so, Ryan or Connor wake up. If one of them isn't up early, then we're supposed to be headed out for something early. :) The first thing that must happen every day is the boys need to mess up my bed. This requirement come from some place deep within, and they feel it a necessity to make the day right. This morning was no exception, except they slept in till 7:00am...and so DID I!! After I ran nonstop and out the door, Lise had to get them off to school and the lateness rippled into the day.
Connor is fighting a cold and but remains in good spirits. He has been enjoying preschool, and I think things are finally calming down for him. The transition to school has been hard in the sleeping department. so it's good to see him going down a bit easier. I hope he's back to his old self. The moon was out tonight and it wanted it's picture taken. I know it's getting boring, but I like how the light plays with the trees. One of these nights, I'll get it right.
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